Wind generation plants are growing at a fast pace. Government assistance in the form of production tax credits, grants for capital investment and other sources of funding are fueling such growth. However, concerns remain over the interconnection of such plants to the grid as well as overall power quality characteristics. Dranetz provides ideal various solutions for both temporary monitoring or troubleshooting and fixed systems for continual 7×24 monitoring to capture the dynamics over time and alarm on faults, system dynamic changes and deteriorating conditions.
Wind turbine design has evolved with various types in use. Each type can have different power quality characteristics that relate to the generator type, associated power electronics, collector systems and other aspects. Common problems and design considerations studied are grounding, harmonics, voltage flicker, voltage regulation, reactive power and fault ride through capabilities. Measured values can be evaluated against existing standards and guidelines such as IEEE 519, IEC 61000-4-15/IEEE 1453 and those from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

Dranetz power quality solutions are ideally suited for wind power applications. Combined with our DranView software, our portable tools such as the Dranetz HDPQ Xplorer provide you the state-of-the-art tools for onsite troubleshooting and engineering studies performed by plant manufacturers, owner technicians, service organizations and consultants. For fixed, 7×24 applications our Encore Series provides cost effective continual remote monitoring and alarming in a common web browser environment that helps ensure the system is always operating within design guidelines and that you will be quickly notified should anomalies or failures occur.